"Women shouldn't vote."
That's right. That's a direct quote. She's saying women shouldn't have the right to express their political opinions in, hold on, her own political opinion piece. Which only leads me to conclude that she's not a woman. And as a representative of woman kind (I do have one) may I say I am delighted to cross her off the list. She was never much of a team-player. And in answer to the title question - Ann Coulter IS a cunt.
Women don't have the power to vote.
Some men just get two votes.
Speaking of cunts... Trolls are not welcome here. You may leave.
It's hard to take her seriously. I think it's all a game to her, or a marketing scheme - the more offensive the things she says and writes, the more media attention she gets, which helps her sell more books. Her audience are almost all right-wing nutters anyway - her arguments and columns are hardly going to persuade anyone who doesn't already think like that.
As for the title question, many people have pointed out her hypocrisy as someone who claims to defend traditional family values, yet is in her forties, single, childless, and well-known for sleeping around.
A lot of prominent right-wing women like her don't realize that the feminist movement had a major role in making it possible for them to be where they are. How far would someone like her have gotten in the 1950's?
But even if she doesn't take it seriously - others take what she writes seriously. And by being this lunatic she can be the extreme right wing interviewee up against someone like bush/cheney/rove/etc and make THEM look reasonable. That's dangerous.
And by being this lunatic she can be the extreme right wing interviewee up against someone like bush/cheney/rove/etc and make THEM look reasonable. That's dangerous.
Actually, I've heard it said that McCarthy had the same function, he was tolerated because he made the rest of them look reasonable and then dumped when he got to be a liability.
What gets me about Ann Coulter is she trades on being witty and sassy, when in fact she comes across as being pretty stupid really. She can't hold her own in an interview.
My faveourite "bumper" on Air America (liberal radio station- broadcast all over the country) says this-
"Air America- more fun than watching Ann Coulter's adam's apple bounce up and down while she talks!"
then- Austin Powers saying
"It's a MAN baby!"
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