The Original Lad Mags post (as featured on the BBC, repeatedly)
Sex vs Surgery (I'll take sex, thanks)
Tabloid Policy Making
Meet The Morons
Thinly Veiled Hypocrisy
I tell jokes. It's my job.
"Family" Planning
Modern Sport is Rubbish
I blame the parents. And I want check-ups on them.
Feminism and the empowering nature of taking your clothes off.
Facing down more porn in Pornographers Gone Wild
Reviewing Jessica Valenti's book in Big Sister
Getting abuse and Taking It Personally
The Terror Alert Hits "Critical"
How the other half live at YouPorn and PornTube, Really
(P.S. That photo of the woman wing-walking ... that's me. Really!)
yeah, I sort of wonder if you actually read Lewis's book if you'd be thrashing her so hard...her review of the sex industry is hardly glowing, all pom-poms and wonder. She talks about the bad parts as well, and is not nicey nice about it.
Interesting - maybe it's more a case of the media reading the story the way they "want" to read it.
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