Yes - the knickers and bums are printed ON to the skirts. From Ruby in Bury - apparently they are all the rage in Japan (although you hear that a lot in the west and if you go to Japan no-one knows what you are on about). Still I can't see them catching on here...

Wow. That is unbelievably weird.
Every time I think I've got humanity just about figured out, something like this crops up and I have to go right back to the drawing board.
I remember seeing these before, but according to Snopes, it's a hoax.
Ah yes, that is unsurprising - whenever something weird and slightly pervy is made up, the first response is to claim it came from Japan. When I lived there people constantly asked me about schoolgirls knickers for sale in vending machines, etc and in four years I never once saw such a thing.
Yes, Cruella, that sounds like racist shit to blame the Japanese. Is this just a case of photoshop?
Well spotted - I was taken-in totally. I blame Clive James for screwing up Britain's view of the Japanese. I'm sure they aren't all potential "Endurance" contestants and they probably don't all take magnifying glasses to stripshows.
I'm slightly disappointed though - was hoping my boob-apron was going to be the height of fashion.
Cruella said: whenever something weird and slightly pervy is made up, the first response is to claim it came from Japan.
I do believe the woman who was sold a sheep as a poodle was wearing one of these skirts.
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