Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Another step backwards

I notice that Bush has been promoting "intelligent" design, i.e. creationism again. Its really obnoxious to have these kind of backwards ideas presented as credible scientific fact.


Cruella said...

Creationism is a ridiculous medieval lie. Its not true. Children should be taught stuff based on scientific fact. To suggest that there is any scientific basis for creationism is a lie and anyone who believes it shouldn't be allowed to work with children.

This being my blog, weirdly it holds my opinion about how I think the world should be run. Of course I'm being "authoritarian", that's the point of a blog. I rule the blog, all worship at my feet please!

Cruella said...

intelligent design isn't being promoted as something to be taught in religious education, but as something to be taught in science class. it has no basis in scientific fact. i have no problem with religious education teachers talking about creationism as something which some religions believe in. it has no place in a science classroom though.

the details of the way in which the evolution of species happened is very much open to debate. evolution though is not something which is really open to debate. we have so much evidence for it that no scientist of any standing would question it.

Cruella said...

A majority of people in the UK are atheist or agnostic. Even among religious people in the UK, the majority support the concept of secular education. In the US more than 95% of the population believe that teaching creationism in science classrooms is wrong. My point is about the way that governments are beholden to a religious minority when I believe they should be beholden to the desires of the tax-paying public.

Cruella said...

Erm, well that's why I'm not sitting on my backside - I'm blogging about it and trying to raise awareness and stir up opposition to the plans. Good for me eh?b

Cruella said...

Also I went to a C of E school and we most definitely were taught religion as fact, we had assembly every day on a religious theme and a couple of times a term we all went as a school to Eucharist. My parents are both athiests but were forced to pretend to be church-goers so that I could get in to that school. That's not fair in my view.