Boris Johnson made an election promise about rape crisis funding. He said he would increase funding to £744,000 to pay for four new centres as well as funding the one that already exists. Studies suggest that as many as one in four women experience rape, attempted rape or sexual assault in their lifetimes so really who ever thought one rape crisis centre was enough for a city the size of London? So far, so good.
Well Happy Christmas London. Johnson has just made an announcement about that funding promise. To cut a long story short it went "Not really!". He now says he can only spare £233,000, which as I recall is basically the orignal budget which he had pledged to improve.
Now I call that news. Shocking, awful, distressing news. But news. News of a more important nature than some bloke in sequinned tights (apologies to male readers who choose to wear tights - I bear you no grudge) prancing about in front of Bruce Forsyth. Or is that just me? The news only got out of the GLA because Green Party GLA member Jenny Jones took the time to ask him what was happening with the funding and issue a press release.
Come on media - what is going on? Do your job please!
I'm not so far aware of a protest or sponsored shoe-throwing being organised but readers wishing to do so could certainly write to Johnson at Or better still write to your local or national paper and ask them when they plan to cover the story.
Come on media - what is going on? Do your job please!
Sadly, "politician tells lies" isn't really news.
Yeah whereas bloke in sparkly tights wins phone vote is...? Dropping a campaign promise is big news.
The media apparently thinks otherwise.
I'm not saying it's right - it isn't. But if you're waiting for the media to do what's right then you're looking at Galactic timescales.
So just to clarify - it's not right but I shouldn't complain about it? Were you here for the conversation about male privilege? Should I (a) not be waiting but instead getting up and doing something about it? If so what should I do? Write to Boris? Check. Write to my local and national papers? Check. Blog about it? Check. Or should I (b) only blog about things that are likely to change soon. Mmmm watch out for my exciting series "David Cameron to wear a suit", "Gordon Brown to continue banging on about money" and "Rape continues apace".
And anyway I think this is an important story. I think a lot of people are interested in hearing about it. And as such I think it is relatively likely that at some point one of the papers will pick up on it.
So just to clarify - it's not right
That's certainly what I said, yes.
but I shouldn't complain about it?
That's not what I said.
Go back, re-read, and pay attention to the words I used.
I said (in a roundabout way, I grant you) that it's pointless waiting for the media to do anything.
So I'll throw the question back at you: given that you've tried to inform the media (local papers anyway - tried the Times? Telegraph? Anything national? not an accusation, an honest question), written to your MP, and so far none of it has had any damn effect why don't you try pulling a few of the media strings that, as a professional entertainer, I imagine you have access to? Certainly better than most of us have access to, at least. You have regular contact with lots of people who actually pay to see you - use them.
Or would that effect the bottom line too much?
Relying on blogs to spread news is like relying on Wikipedia to spread truth. Popularity wins. Truth loses if it's not popular.
You have access to channels that most of us do not.
Use them.
It would seem that the reason the mainstream media hasn't picked up on it is that, as yet, there's no press release.
I followed the trail from your article here to your referral on The F Word and I noticed that there wasn't a link to the Press release.
So from there, I jumped to the list of Press Releases by London Assembly Member Jenny Jones - and it's not on there.
The most recent Press Release on the London Assembly website for Jenny Jones was 27 November - and given that she has several on there attacking the Mayor, I can't imagine it's bias that it's not there.
Perhaps this hasn't been reported by the MSM because the Press Release has not been released, or that the information hasn't yet been independently verified?
I'm not saying there *isn't* a conspiracy to hide this - just that conspiracy isn't the only possible answer.
Oh I don't have a ton of media strings to pull, or at least whatever I do have I've already pulled. I'm surprised you are under the impression that as a live performer at stand-up comedy clubs I have some sort of personal hotline to Jeremy Paxman. You're so dismissive of the point of blogging, yet you read my blog...! You don't come to my shows (though I know many readers who do) so I'm reaching you much more effectively through blogging than any other medium.
And in any case did I ever say I was "waiting" for the media to react? No I'm using every means at my disposal. Blogging is one of them.
And yes I tried to trace the paper-trail back to the actual press release and I can't find it either. I'll chase up with the person who sent that info to me.
I'm not really suggesting it's a conspiracy. I'm suggesting that the media are increasingly overstretched and under resourced and are finding it harder and harder to keep tabs on issues unless the story is more or less handed to them on a plate.
The comment on 'conspiracy' was more hyperbole than anything else.
I actually agree with you, but not that the mainstream media are overstretched - well, not in terms of work.
You're right in that the media is now only interested in 'sleb' stories and little else.
My only point was that it seems this story is being blown up by the anti-Boris crowd without evidence. If evidence were there, I'd happily castigate along with the rest - but having trawled Recess Monkey, LabourHome and Boriswatch - everyone is carrying the story, with no press release links anywhere.
I'm a fan of holding incumbent politicians to account. That includes Conservatives. But I would prefer the media had documentation and evidence before going public.
For the record, I hope that this is the case in this instance.
Oh I don't have a ton of media strings to pull, or at least whatever I do have I've already pulled. I'm surprised you are under the impression that as a live performer at stand-up comedy clubs I have some sort of personal hotline to Jeremy Paxman.
Actually I'd be a bit worried if you did - I mean...well, know...urgh.
No, I simply meant that you probably have more contact with media types than the average person - certainly you get to appear on things like BBC Breakfast News from time-to-time[0].
You're so dismissive of the point of blogging, yet you read my blog...!
I'm dismissive of it for very good reasons - Exhibit 'A' being that I, too have a blog, and it means nothing. Blogging is fun but as a means of social awareness it lacks a certain something.
You don't come to my shows
Assumption. Correct in this case, but an assumption nonetheless.
(though I know many readers who do) so I'm reaching you much more effectively through blogging than any other medium.
Oddly I first became aware of you via Twitter. Which, yes, is a form of blogging, but not exactly the same.
And in any case did I ever say I was "waiting" for the media to react? No I'm using every means at my disposal. Blogging is one of them.
And yes I tried to trace the paper-trail back to the actual press release and I can't find it either. I'll chase up with the person who sent that info to me.
I'm not really suggesting it's a conspiracy. I'm suggesting that the media are increasingly overstretched and under resourced and are finding it harder and harder to keep tabs on issues unless the story is more or less handed to them on a plate.
Sadly in these media-rich days of the Interpowered Computerweb the old styles of media (newspapers especially) are becoming almost an anachronism. You're still not going to get me to admit that blogs are the new media though...[grin]
[0] I grant that "time-to-time" might equal "more than once in any period between ice ages" but it's still more than me[1].
[1] for which we should both be grateful.
[2] this footnote left blank intentionally.
[3] if you're still reading footnotes that aren't referenced in the body text, I'll have a large Ardbeg please. No ice. That's no way to treat a decent single malt.
Dear friends and survivors, how frequent is rape, and how many people get away with it?
I really would like to know the true figures.
I wonder if people realise that often single mothers are particularly vulnerable to this form of abuse, and as they have become isolated and excluded, more so because of social stigma; they have become a target to those 'law abiding, men from respectable families, who demonise lone parents and treat them as filthy diposable objects' these men, often get away with showing their disapproval by raping. Out of 4 children I have given birth to, 3 were results of rape. The most powerful of these, from a very respectable large family,continues his power game by having a domineering presence in my life, because of the fruit of his rape.
As his daughter has become another trophy of his power, along with his other Richmond Cricket Club trophies and priviledges, he continues to humiliate, belittle and emotionally abuse me and my children. He has now found the perfect match: a close woman friend, a lawyer, in and out of bed, very welcome by his family and 'very useful'as he likes to point out.
That's awful. Hope you're ok.
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