Now I actually think that's just silly - I think we have it all wrong in Britain with the pub culture in which children are never seen. It really hurts the children who are seen as a burden because they restrict where their parents can go. You never see cafe's in France which bar children. Parents and children alike enjoy sitting around and chatting or playing games, sometimes eating and sometimes just having a drink - alcoholic or otherwise.
More to the point though - have these decision-makers BEEN to a Wetherspoon's pub (for the benefit of overseas readers a selection of their best-looking clientèle is pictured)? I think we should have a national-level law barring Wetherspoon's customers from reproducing. Could they put contraceptives in the cheap alcopops? Failing that we should DEFINITELY have a national-level law banning all parents from allowing their children to eat the re-heated processed pap that passes for "food" in these places.
It's really stupid. In the US you can't even enter a bar until you're 21. This means that (1) college students need to either use fake IDs or drink behind closed doors and have someone buy alcohol for them, and (2) as a result instead of casual social drinking the rates of binge drinking are much higher. You can't hide a keg, but you can easily hide bottles of vodka. French and Italian teenagers grow up with responsible alcohol use and those countries' rates of alcohol abuse are much lower - American (and if this policy is representative, British) teens don't.
"More to the point though - have these decision-makers BEEN to a Wetherspoon's pub (for the benefit of overseas readers a selection of their best-looking clientèle is pictured)? I think we should have a national-level law barring Wetherspoon's customers from reproducing. Could they put contraceptives in the cheap alcopops?"
Could we do the same in the US at NASCAR races?
Wow, harsh... I have been known to take Orion for a Wetherspoon's lunch occasionally. ;oP
ha ha. ok maybe there are nice ones somewhere out there, the ones near me are all pretty horrid.
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