Firstly some great news - reported everywhere but I'll give you the Tennessee Guerilla Women take on it: George W Bush is frightened of women bloggers! Go team!
Now after all the trouble I've had with Jezebel, (and it seems abusing feminists on the web is all the rage these days) you wouldn't think I would be linking to a blog post about one of their articles but this one, highlighted on Pandagon, started some pretty interesting debate. Including from blogstress Amanda Marcotte herself who says "The weird thing about all this is that it tends to affect my own view of myself, but doesn’t really affect my view of other women. I don’t tend to think there’s anything wrong with a little softness, a few crow’s feet, etc. on other women, but I can be irrationally hard on myself. It’s just bizarre how it works on that level, just so personal." And on the other hand All Girl Army assures us Feminists Don't Have Self-Esteem Problems (or boob jobs).
Melissa from Pretty, Fizzy Paradise has a theory on why we still get angry about these things, she says: All Women Are Me, Dammit! Diary of a Goldfish argues some women exist in the media purely as figures for us to hate in Paris Hilton and the Iconic Blonde while Mind The Gap Cardiff wonders why so many women in the media look as if they're dead. But amazingly in the midst of all this Social Justice Feminist has found a film that offers some positive role-models for men. Staying with media roles for women Greta Christina is just livid about two little words in a celebrity magazine and Lee Kottner at Spawn of Blogorrhea (I know - good blog name!) is unhappy about the way strong independent women are portrayed. Of course even strong independent women aren't as bad as the dangerous lesbian gangs (not) intimidating Bill O'Reilly - Melissa McEwan says Release The Douchehounds (I know - good post title!).
Katha Pollitt at Alternet is unimpressed with the way the film industry is portraying pregnancy in it's latest offering Knocked Up. So I wanted to take the opportunity of the carnival to highlight a great blog which tells the whole warts-and-all truth about having a baby.
For a positive famous female role-model though 6th July 2007 was the 100-year anniversary of Frida Kahlo's birth! Invoking Frida which is somewhere between a blog and a website celebrates that with a collection of photographs and some great links for those who want to read more about her. For a more current positive role model Girlistic has interviewed Corey Houlihan, spoken word performer, who addresses feminist and gay rights issues. And science fiction magazine Helix has issued an all-female authored edition.
At the dark end of the spectrum Jennifer Ouellette at the Huffington Post looks at the latest in so-called "torture porn". I took a trip even further into the most disturbing areas of women-in-the-media, and what I found was truly awful and almost certainly criminal.
On the subject of crime a judge in Nebraska has decided a victim cannot use the word "rape" during the trial. And said victim has decided she's going to anyway! Rock! That case has started a lot of arguments. Aerik at The Science Ethicists has even had to argue with his father on the subject. Seems that finally heads have started to roll in Michigan, following a rape and murder which the authorities didn't even bother to tell the victim's parents about, according to Kindly Pogmothoin.
Meanwhile Dr Violet Socks extends the violence against women debate with some alarming statistics about ECT.
Natalie Bennett in The Guardian argues more needs to be done to protect sex workers. Come back and visit Cruella-blog in a week or two for more on that - I have an interview coming up with a former sex worker who I will be asking about of lot of these issues.
Melissa from Pretty, Fizzy Paradise has a theory on why we still get angry about these things, she says: All Women Are Me, Dammit! Diary of a Goldfish argues some women exist in the media purely as figures for us to hate in Paris Hilton and the Iconic Blonde while Mind The Gap Cardiff wonders why so many women in the media look as if they're dead. But amazingly in the midst of all this Social Justice Feminist has found a film that offers some positive role-models for men. Staying with media roles for women Greta Christina is just livid about two little words in a celebrity magazine and Lee Kottner at Spawn of Blogorrhea (I know - good blog name!) is unhappy about the way strong independent women are portrayed. Of course even strong independent women aren't as bad as the dangerous lesbian gangs (not) intimidating Bill O'Reilly - Melissa McEwan says Release The Douchehounds (I know - good post title!).
Katha Pollitt at Alternet is unimpressed with the way the film industry is portraying pregnancy in it's latest offering Knocked Up. So I wanted to take the opportunity of the carnival to highlight a great blog which tells the whole warts-and-all truth about having a baby.
For a positive famous female role-model though 6th July 2007 was the 100-year anniversary of Frida Kahlo's birth! Invoking Frida which is somewhere between a blog and a website celebrates that with a collection of photographs and some great links for those who want to read more about her. For a more current positive role model Girlistic has interviewed Corey Houlihan, spoken word performer, who addresses feminist and gay rights issues. And science fiction magazine Helix has issued an all-female authored edition.
At the dark end of the spectrum Jennifer Ouellette at the Huffington Post looks at the latest in so-called "torture porn". I took a trip even further into the most disturbing areas of women-in-the-media, and what I found was truly awful and almost certainly criminal.
On the subject of crime a judge in Nebraska has decided a victim cannot use the word "rape" during the trial. And said victim has decided she's going to anyway! Rock! That case has started a lot of arguments. Aerik at The Science Ethicists has even had to argue with his father on the subject. Seems that finally heads have started to roll in Michigan, following a rape and murder which the authorities didn't even bother to tell the victim's parents about, according to Kindly Pogmothoin.
Meanwhile Dr Violet Socks extends the violence against women debate with some alarming statistics about ECT.
Natalie Bennett in The Guardian argues more needs to be done to protect sex workers. Come back and visit Cruella-blog in a week or two for more on that - I have an interview coming up with a former sex worker who I will be asking about of lot of these issues.
And (phew!) if that wasn't enough feminism for you - The F-Word now has a podcast you can go listen to. And if you didn't get round to submitting anything this time Miscellanous Adventures of an Aussie Mum will inspire you to do so next time!
The next carnival will be on August 2 on Uncool. Please send submissions via the blog carnival submission form, or email uncool.lina AT gmail DOT com.
Great carnival. Well done.
It's a lovely carnival.
Err, one thing though, my name's actually Melissa (from Pretty Fizzy Paradise). My partner-in-crime at Written World is Lisa. :-)
Thanks for the link!
Ah ok fixed - the email i had nominating you was from a Lisa and I assumed (no idea why) that it was a self-nomination. Lots of Melissa's in blog feminism.
Lovely job thanks - some real gems in there, and quite a few bloggers who I think haven't been in the carnival before, which is always great to see!
Great carnival! Kudos.
Well done!
When are we feminists finally going to take over the country and run it properly?!! If we start with the feminist teachers (both male and female) we'll have education stitched up in no time ;o)
Or you could resort to my solution, more of a palliative really, and write satirical stories about Our Benevolent Leaders on the internet. www.mythshifter.com takes old English folk tales and "remixes" them with modern political "heroes", to somewhat comic effect... David Cameron stars as Mr. Fox in last week's post. Enjoy!
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