Is there nothing left on earth that isn't to be sold through the medium of airbrushed naked women? An advert on my Facebook sidebar now proudly tells me that beanbags and angle-poise lamps are available at "stripped bare prices" with a picture of a young slim white woman with no spots or moles whatsoever lying across a desk. The website being advertised is made.com which features a range (well I don't know - they've been airbrushed to all look the same) of young slim white women posing on stools, chairs, desks and beanbags. I feel like when I see a naked woman's body my reaction is no longer to see beauty or nakedness, to be aroused or shocked, I just think quite calmly "oh right, what are they selling? lamps? ok".
Who are these people sitting in advertising executive's trendy open-plan offices going "I've had this great idea about your beanbag collection - lets stick a skinny naked airbrushed white woman on it", while six of his colleagues mutter "Jeremy - you're a genius!!". Of course it's objectifying but it's also just SO UTTERLY BORING.
I'd try Adblocker if I were you. You'll never look back. Unless you need more blog material of course.
Yes though it's not really that I don't want ads - I worry less about their impact on me than their impact on the world in general.
this has been happening in France for a very long time. Every single tv ad. has a topless or naked girl on it - whether they are selling lawnmowers or yoghurts.
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