One of the most interesting people I spoke to all night was [well I won't name her cos it's a bit politically sensitive but she works for an organisation which deals with women in the immigration system who are victims of trafficking or of domestic or sexual violence]. Of course the big issue is how few places they have available versus how many people are in need of their help. And the big issue with solving that is the difficulty of getting media attention to the good work their doing. She said most journalists aren't interested in these women's stories unless the women are virgins abducted from their loving family homes. Women in more complicated situations - such as those who've agreed to take a well paid lap-dancing job and then been forced into poorly paid prostitution, those who suffered abuse from their families or ran away from home, those who have children or those who haven't followed asylum-seeking protocol exactly correctly - are not considered media-friendly. So I was pleased to see this story in the Guardian about a woman seeking asylum in the UK and the horrific treatment meted out to her by a country that then sees fit to go marching into Afghanistan and Iraq claiming to be defending human rights.
Anyhow so hello to all the cool people I met and hung out with on the way round. Apparently it was the biggest ever EVER this year. London Feminist Network (who organise it) has a social on 12th Dec and the next demo is A Million Women Rise on 8th Mar, so feel free to add to your diaries if interested.
Why the march was women-only?
Because it's protesting against violence against women, so lots of victims of that violence come to join the march. Obviously they need to be and feel that they can do so safely. Male supporters of the march helped out as stewards, photographers and then joined us for the rally at the end.
If you are interested you can join London Pro-Feminist Men's Group. Here is their website and their report on the march. They would love to hear from you:
Thanks for the link - I might head over to the London Activists' Resource Centre in Whitechapel tonight and see what they're about.
I still don't really understand the no-men stipulation. What kind of fearless signal of reclamation are you sending out if the marchers don't feel safe enough to march alongside male supporters campaigning for their cause?
The point isn't that we DO feel safe it's that we SHOULD feel safe.
Woo, someone else who went! Wasn't it awesome!
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