The Guerrilla News Network has done the leg-work on this one. What I can't seem to find out though are which of the mega-polluters are paying for his campaign. Anyone got any idea? Both funding groups - Scientific Alliance and Straight Teaching say they accept corporate donations but they don't list major donors. I'd like to know who exactly is paying to set the agenda our kids are taught, and I bet we'd be horrified if we knew.
Speaking of Al Gore though I really hope he gets the Nobel Prize and then decides he will run for US president after all. I suspect the world may genuinely end quite soon if he doesn't...
The world's gone mad, it's official. How did it ever get to a Judge being involved?
When I was at school, aged 13, our English teacher decided to show us 'Threads', which those of us old enough to remember will know is a dramatisation of what happens after a nuclear bomb hits Britain. The teacher didn't have to check with anybody whether he would be 'allowed' to show it to us; he just decided we should see it and put it on.
The same teacher also showed us 'A Clockwork Orange', as we were studying the book, at the same age, but we didn't get to see the end because someone went home and told their parents what we were watching in English, and they complained to the Head.....
Al Gore's film should be on the National Curriculum, and less of this nannying.
Speaking out about a bunch of lies is now alarming...
I agree Oswald, getting all upset about lies is a little mental.
Although can Cruella explain why Al Gore himself flys about in his private jet, organised for himself to have air conditioning on HIGH at Earth Aid and owns a property that leaves a shamefully enormous carbon footprint.
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