Monday, October 27, 2008

Wrong Brand of Humour

I don't much care if Russell Brand uses bad language and upsets an actor - we all know it's a publicity stunt to get himself into the papers. What bothers me about this story is that he considered it an insult to ring a guy up and tell him he'd had sex with his granddaughter. The implication that he's "damaged" Andrew Sach's personal property is centuries out of date and repugnant. If I was the woman in question I would issue a press release saying "Yes I did, he has a one inch dick and no idea what to do with it. What a waste of 3 and a half minutes of my life!!"


  1. LOL at the last bit!

    Yeah, the 'property' aspect of this is bugging me. I'm glad you think the same way.

  2. Anonymous7:51 pm

    yeah, and don't mess with grandfathers either!
