Monday, May 07, 2007

Blog-Roll Up!

I'm in the process (as you may see) of updating my links, which have been stagnating for some time now. So if you'd like to be included please let me know, ideally by commenting here. I'll mainly be taking submissions on the basis that they're really cool interesting sites, but in case of discrepancy I may be swayed by the news that you're a regular Cru-blog reader and/or you've linked to me. Ok...go!


  1. I'd always like to be included in your links. :)

  2. Yes, good, I'd like to include you...

  3. Please keep me on. Hope you are well. Sorry, I missed the BSE show.

  4. Hello there!

    It's Abi, of ATP fame. Just wondering if you've been able to have a look at our Dollymix blog yet ( It's a lot of fun, and I know the editor is a fan of your writing. Do drop me a line if you'd still like to be involved!

    abi (

  5. Ooh, I'm in your links list! :D

    Right, I'd better work out how to edit my links list to repay the favour!

  6. Anonymous4:24 pm

    I'd love to be on your link list!

  7. I would love to be on your list. You have been on mine ever since I found you.

  8. Found your blog through a link on UN-COOL, v. funny, I like it a lot
