Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Same Shit, Different Headgear

Don't you hate those Muslims nutters and the way they treat women as second class citizens? Oh sorry, that was the Jewish fundamentalists there. If you were a woman living in the middle east right now it'd be pretty tough to know which side to be on (but easy to know which end - the back).

The other thing I hate is when they (whichever kind of "they" they are) talk about defending women's modesty. What exactly is my "modesty"? I think they're defending me from the gruesome possibility of my being humiliated by looking sexually attractive in public. I looked it up and it says (paraphrasing):

1. Having or showing a moderate estimation of one's own talents, abilities, and value.
2. Having or proceeding from a disinclination to call attention to oneself.
3. Observing conventional proprieties in speech, behavior, or dress.
4. Free from showiness or ostentation.

So they're trying to save me from appearing talented, able, of high value, from attracting attention, from doing anything unconventional and from being showy or ostentatious. And further they think sitting me at the back of the bus is going to do this for me?

Believe me - they sit me at the back of the bus and I will use my considerable talents to draw a lot of attention. I shall be breaking with convention and screaming my head off in a definitely showy way...

1 comment:

  1. "Don't you hate those Muslims nutters and the way they treat women as second class citizens? Oh sorry, that was the Jewish fundamentalists there."

    Fundamentalists of all religions have a lot in common...they think women should be subservient baby-making machines, they are hostile to atheists and secularists and people of other faiths, they reject modernity and want to return to an imagined idyllic way of life from an earlier era, and they want all aspects of life and culture and society to be controlled by religion. Jewish fundamentalists are no different than Christian, Hindu or Muslim ones in those respects, although they are far smaller in number so they don't do much damage other than repressing women in their own communities and abusing Palestinians in the West Bank.

    "If you were a woman living in the middle east right now it'd be pretty tough to know which side to be on (but easy to know which end - the back)."

    Iraq was one of the most secular places in the Middle East until the US invaded it, and now large parts of that country are under the control of fundamentalists who brutally restrict women's rights.

    "So they're trying to save me from appearing talented, able, of high value, from attracting attention, from doing anything unconventional and from being showy or ostentatious."

    Individualism is a threat to any form of absolute ideology or religion. The fact that a woman would have an identity of her own is a threat to their whole worldview. And they think that the males in the community are idiotic beasts that can't mix with women or see them other than completely covered up or they'll be sexually tempted.

    "Believe me - they sit me at the back of the bus and I will use my considerable talents to draw a lot of attention."

    I would pay to watch that!
