Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Women in Comedy

Firstly I was really saddened to hear that Linda Smith has died. She's was a great wit, really dry and clever. She famously said "I sympathise with people trying to find WMD. I'm like that with scissors - I put them down, then search all over the house and never find them"! There are never enough women in comedy, we can't really afford to lose one.

Speaking of which, secondly, I am all in favour of Charlotte Church being given her own show. However I was a little horrified at the quote attributed to Channel Four director Kevin Lygo: "How fantastic if we could create this show around a woman rather than a male comedian." How about creating a show around a female comedian? (Comedienne even!) Charlotte Church is very charming but she's not a comic. One of two things seems likely to happen... either she'll be thrown off after a fortnight for not being funny enough and then they'll decide women aren't suitable to host such shows or she'll be given half a dozen mostly male writers. I'm going to sulk about it til I get my own chat show...

If you'd like to see women (woman singular actually, I am the only one on the bill) in comedy in action I'm in Fleet tonight (not the Red Lion, Soho as previously advertised, got to take the money job) compering at Propaganda Music Canteen 317 Fleet Road. Show starts at 8:30pm.


  1. I marvelled at how quick she was - and very, very funny! A born commedian.

    She brought much joy to people.

  2. Indeed. Ducky mail me - I wanted to put up a permanent link to your blog but I'm not sure which blog I should link to - you have so many!
