Friday, March 17, 2006

It's a tough life...

Just to let you all know I'm off on holiday to sunny Sri Lanka for the next two weeks. So no Cru-blog, no gigs and no chance of hearing me on Radio Jackie... When I get back the previews for my Brighton/Newbury/Edinburgh show - Adrenaline - will be starting. Have a nice couple of weeks.

Jealous? I'm going with Exodus, they do loads of cool trips all over the world, as do Explore Worldwide, with whom I went to Uganda last year and Vietnam before that!


  1. Was hoping you might be coming to Bury St Edmunds but Sri Lanka is a better option really (but only slightly, of course ;-) Have a brilliant time!

  2. Wow, lucky. Have fun!

  3. Love their tea. Watch out for the war, though.

  4. Have a lovely time! I'm taking my first real holiday in a few years in May. I'm going to England again, hoorah! Maybe we can meet up...
