Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Worse than we thought

Latest numbers out suggest women in the private sector are paid 45% less than men. And people say the battle for equality is over!!


  1. I would like to know where they get those figures from. In every place I have worked so far in my (relatively) short career, the women have always been paid the same as the men, in England as well as in Germany.

  2. I've only worked in a few industries in my time and they've mostly been the classic ones for outright sexism but I've seen women passed over for promotion and treated as second-class citizens over and over.

    Retail, investment banking, finance, comedy...

  3. Well I'd certainly be interested to see what the numbers looked like if you took those out. I don't think lower paid industries are much better though.

    But also if the pay structure is that skewed, and women are entirely excluded from the top of it, we should be addressing why that is.
