Friday, December 02, 2005

Cru-blog on the BBC

A version of my the-trouble-with-lad-mags article was published today on the BBC website. Quite prominently actually! Here's the link. And here's the full, original version (with the c-word!).


  1. I commented on the full original version by the way.

  2. Terrific! Do you think the Carnival of Feminists had anything to do with it...? (She said, hopefully.)

    I really liked your piece, glad it's gotten more widespread circulation.

  3. Actually I think how it got in was I sent it to them and begged... Aaah, shameless self-promotion. But please claim to be influencing the BBC. There's no denying you highlighted the piece and a few weeks later it was run on the front of the BBC. You either influnced them or you are about a month ahead of the national zeitgeist and should be congratulated for that too!

  4. No? What is it then oh wise one?

  5. Cru: :D Okay then, I'll slap that on my resume. ;)

    Anyways congrats and well done.

  6. Cat this has gone on too long, I thought you were joking. I was! Of course it's not the national zeitgeist, I was just messing!

    NormalMan, you don't sound very normal to me. You claim that you wouldn't want to stop me writing about my lovely leftie feminist views and then you, err, basically tell me to stop writing about them.

    Yet more bizarre, in the face of overwhelming evidence, you claim I "look like the back end of a bus". Take a quick peek at my picture dude, I'm really rather gorgeous. I clicked your link but you haven't posted a photo? Did you just not have one handy or are you butt-ugly yourself? I wonder...
