Thursday, December 08, 2005

And the Lord spake unto them...

...saying beat the living cr*p out of anyone who disagrees with you. Compassionate Christianity at work again here. A professor who had been instructed to teach "intelligent design" and rather sensibly thought he should teach it under the heading "mythology" has been introduced to God's love through a beating which left him hospitalised.


  1. Assuming, of course, that it happened as he says it did. The history of modern "hate crimes" later revealed to be frauds suggests that witholding judgement in these cases is wise.

    And what are the other things like burglary and theft- friendly crimes?

  2. Since there is no law I know of in the US which makes hatred against the non-religious a special crime, it's unlikely the motivation for the attack will ever be debated in court so there's nothing to with-hold judgement for. Even if it were, so what, these guys let O.J. Simpson and Jacko off, their court system is pretty meaningless.

    Actually I suspect a lot more crime is "hate crime" than we suspect. I mean why would criminals own up to motivation if it wasn't obvious. There's a hell of a lot of nasty prejudice out there.

    The victim sounds to me - based on his teaching - like a smart, sensible guy who wants truth to prevail. So I'm taking his word for it.

  3. There are millions and millions of pieces of evidence supporting evolution. Now I'll accept that there are some periods of evolutionary history for which the fossil record is incomplete. However there is no evidence whatsoever for creationism.

    One theory has millions of pieces of evidence, the other has none at all. So one is science and the other should be filed under superstition and fairytale with the tooth fairy and santa claus.

    Incidentally the arguement that the universe is so complex that it can't have occured on its own, some higher being must have created it is totally null and void. Who created the higher being, which must by definition be more complex and fantastical than the universe it created? It's just gibberish.

    Creationism should be taught in the religious studies classroom, along with three-headed monsters guarding the gates of hell and cherubs on white clouds playing the harp. The history of religious belief is interesting. But it's not science.

  4. Well that's a lot of info there. Two things though:

    1) I still don't see the answer to the question: If God's so amazing that she created the universe - who created God?

    2) So one guy converted from atheism to a sort of theism. Thousands go the other way every day. On average children of two religious parents are 50% atheist, one religious parent 25% atheist and two atheist parents 100% atheist in the UK right now. We're taking over...

  5. I don't believe that the universe "just exists", I believe it evolved, I have millions of pieces of evidence, from the fossil record and from the relationships between modern species and families. Where did this God of yours come from, the arguement that she "just exists" is pretty similar to the pro-tooth-fairy arguement...

    As for the likelihood of typing the right sentence, ditto. The likelihood of that sentence just appearing is much higher than the likelihood of a person, capable of typing that sentence just appearing. The likelihood of such a person just appearing is, in turn, much higher than the likelihood of an almighty creator capable of making such a person just appearing. You never get out of the circular arguement...

  6. From nothing, yes, evolved from nothing. Just a big bang.

    As for cross-species evolution, I presume you mean across orders? Cross-species would indicate for example that you couldn't see evidence for the way chimps evolved from monkeys. I assume you don't mean that. For cross-order evolution, look at the duck-billed platypus: technically an early mammal, it displays many signs of reptile-like anatomy. Thus offering a possible route for evolution from reptiles to mammals.

    One thing you might like to read is this:,13026,1559743,00.html

  7. How strange that you accept the bible as a work of fiction, yet you also accept the existance of God who presumably has the power to correct it. Rather mean of God to give us such a duff book and still expect us to believe in her. The Qu'ran is also full of contradictions.

    Evolution may be open to debate as to the details of micro and macro evolution but religion has NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER. There is no "miracle" God is even supposed to have performed that can't be explained simply through nature and science. And I'm sorry but the arguement that because lots of people believe it the onus is on scientists to disprove it is nonsense. The onus is on religious leaders who are making a fortune keeping their followers in poverty to justify their behaviour.

  8. Contradictions in the bible? Lets start with the two creation stories... The four gospels all differ massively, the "thou shalt not kill" and God sending a great flood to wipe out everyone she doesn't like...

    Now while we're on the subject where is one single positive piece of evidence for creationism?

  9. The details of evolutionary theory change all the time. No-one with half a brain entertains the idea that we might not have evolved from animals.

    I'm not asking you to preach. I'm asking you to offer one single piece of evidence for creationism. And you can't. Because there isn't any. Because its hocus-pocus...

    for the record, however, and to demonstrate that what I write is always based on fact... Here's a whole web-site of Qu'ranic contradictions:

  10. Well that website is offering a huge cash prize to anyone who can prove them wrong. Enjoy spending it.

    And I don't see any evidence for the existence of God. I mean the existence of a book about her is all very well but then I've read Harry Potter but I don't believe in teenage wizards and dragon-monsters. I mean real evidence. Scientific evidence. There isn't any!!

    The fact that you keep coming back with longer and longer more and more convoluted answers to my very simple points makes it sound like you're angry about the obvious holes in your own belief system. This is a classic symptom of a person who has been brainwashed. Step outside into the real world Ethan, the air's lovely...!!
