Sunday, July 31, 2005

Off to Edinburgh

Well I travel up to the festival tomorrow, technical run-through Tues and the show opens Weds. The first few days are cheaper (preview prices and 2-for-1 offers) so i recommend any Edinburgh-resident blog-readers come along on earlier rather than later. And just to be super-thoughtful to you: here's the direct link to the ticket sales page. You're just a credit cards away now... mmmm.


  1. WOO HOO! Starting on this Wednesday, I'm in Glasgow for business (working 6 days at the World Science Fiction Convention) and a few days vacay afterwards. I'll try to make it to a show!

  2. That's great, let me know if you're coming along and we can have a beer afterwards. Cool. Enjoy the Sci Fi Fest.

  3. Yeah I do and yeah you are.
